🦀 The Embedded Rustacean Learning Portal
Welcome to The Embedded Rustacean course portal! Here you will find several courses that will help in your journey of transformation from embedded Rust beginner to expert. As a premium subscriber to the embedded Rustacean newsletter, you'll have full access to the material in this portal. The material would be regularly updated and also potentially expanded over time.
If you prefer the book format for learning, there are several e-book options you can choose from and download as part of your subscription. The embedded Rust books are also associated with GitHub repositories that contain all the presented code.
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The Embedded Rustacean courses aim to provide a self contained interactive experience to build up your knowledge. The courses will get you up to speed as fast as possible. Except for the physical hardware courses, all other courses intend to be virtual in nature allow you to learn without purchasing hardware or installing software. You can start coding literally in minutes. The only prerequisite is knowledge of coding in Rust. At a later point, if you desire to get into hardware, you can proceed with the physical hardware track.
There are several course paths you may take. You can build some foundations through the introductory courses or dig directly into embedded Rust. Please refer to the flowchart below for recommended paths. For those comfortable with the early topics, you can jump into Virtual hardware track immediately.
In the next section, you can find links to all these different courses.
Course Links
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Introduction to Embedded Systems
Embedded Electronics
std Embedded Rust w/ ESP & Wokwi
no-std Embedded Rust w/ ESP & Wokwi
std Embedded Rust IoT w/ ESP & Wokwi
no-std Embedded Rust IoT w/ ESP & Wokwi (Planned)
no-std Embedded Rust w/ RasPi Pico 2 (Planned)
Embedded Rust Hardware Debugging (Planned)
The Embassy Framework (Planned)
The RTIC Framework (Planned)
Embedded Rust Design Patterns (Planned)